Sunday, November 05, 2006

Soap Box - Marriage and football

Things I don't like hearing about marriage.
It really gets on my nerves when I hear people complaining about their significant other. It also doesn't make any sense to me that people put more effort into their business than their marriage. Gee! maybe that's why they're miserable. Uh... No communication & no effort = failure. A principle even a fifth grader could tell you, but yet multimillion dollar corporate big wigs tend to have the need to reeducate themselves with these fundamental lessons in life.

Why is it frowned upon to talk positively about marriage. Is it cheesy?! Do the people who think its cheesy get their influence from movies, T.V. shows, & advertising. Or do they read gossip too much and look at all the disfunctional hollywood movie stars as role models. Like a football player who uses drugs and has premarital sex with multiple partners.

Don't even get me started on football either.
Well I guess I have to vent.
Football is the most rediculious phenomenon I had ever heard of. It represents & promotes alcohalism & all of the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy & Pride). My question is why is it so popular? I have recently come to the conclusion that it is popular because it can be made a spectacle of. People will pay to watch. Mayors of major cities love this because it brings in lots of money, but at what cost? Our priorities are messed up. Football players do not deserve the millions of dollars they are getting paid to play a game. What does this teach youths?
Good teachers should be getting this income, because their cause is more worthwhile and noble. Churches should be getting this money and should be a spectacle. Churches keep us on a good and moral path. I am furious about this! Our society is backwards and hollywood is the new Saddam and Gomorrah. Our society looks to hollywood as an example of how to function as a society. Ignorant is the follower of fools.